OPIR Agencies
The Office of Public Information Requests (OPIR) helps process information requests for agencies reporting to the governor. OPIR-supported agencies, boards and councils are listed below.
If you want to request information from a local government, the legislative or judicial branches of state government, the Montana University System, or agencies run by other elected officials (for example, the Attorney General, State Auditor and Commissioner of Insurance and Securities, State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Secretary of State, and Public Service Commission), you will need to contact those agencies directly. OPIR does not handle their information requests.
Office of Public information Requests Reporting:
- Office of the Governor
- Department of Administration
- Department of Agriculture
- Montana Arts Council
- Department of Commerce
- Department of Corrections
- Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks
- Montana Historical Society
- Department of Labor & Industry
- Department of Livestock
- Montana Lottery
- Department of Military Affairs
- Montana Public Employee Retirement Administration
- Department of Natural Resources & Conservation
- Department of Public Health & Human Services
- Department of Revenue
- Montana State Fund
- Montana State Library
- Teachers' Retirement System
- Department of Transportation
- ABLE (achieving a better life experience) Program Oversight Committee
- Aeronautics, Board of
- Aging, Governor's Advisory Council on
- Agriculture Land Valuation Advisory Council
- Arts Council, Montana
- Behavioral Health, Board of
- Behavioral Health System for Future Generations Commission
- Building Codes Council
- Chiropractors, Board of
- Clinical Laboratory Science Practitioners, Board of
- Community Service, Commission on
- Dentistry, Board of
- Developmental Disabilities, Montana Council on (MCDD)
- Drought and Water Supply Advisory Committee
- Elder Justice Council, Eastern Montana
- Elder Justice Council, North Central
- Elder Justice Council, South Central
- Elder Justice Council, Western
- Electrical Board, State
- Emergency Response Commission (SERC), State
- Engineers and Land Surveyors, Board of Professional
- Family Support Services Advisory Council (FSSAC)
- Forest Lands Taxation Advisory Committee
- Funeral Services, Board of
- Grass Conservation Commission, Montana
- Hearing Aid Dispensers, Board of
- High School Association Executive Board, Montana
- Historic Preservation Officer, State
- Historical Preservation Review Board, State
- Historical Records Advisory Council
- Historical Society Board of Trustees
- Human Rights, Commission for
- Interagency Coordinating Council for State Prevention Programs
- Invasive Species Council (ISC)
- Land Information Advisory Council (LIAC)
- Library Commission, State
- Livestock, Montana Board of
- Livestock Loss Board
- Massage Therapy, Board of
- Medical Examiners, Board of (BOME)
- Medical Licensure Compact Commission, Interstate
- Mental Disabilities Board of Visitors (MDBoV)
- Mental Health Ombudsman
- Milk Control, Board of
- Montana 250th Commission
- Montana State Hospital Transition Review Committee
- Motorcycle Safety Advisory Commission
- Northwest Power and Conservation Council
- Nursing, Board of (BON)
- Nursing Home Administrators, Board of
- Occupational Therapy Practice, Board of
- Oil and Gas Compact Commission, Interstate
- Oil and Gas Conservation, Board of
- Optometry, Board of
- Outfitters, Board of
- Pacific Northwest Economic Region (PNWER)
- Personnel Appeals, Board of (BOPA)
- Pharmacy, Board of
- Phillips County Transportation Improvement Authority (PTA)
- Physical Therapy Examiners, Board of
- Plumbers, Board of
- Poet Laureate, Montana
- Political Practices, Commissioner of (COPP)
- Private Security, Board of
- Psychologists, Board of
- Public Assistance, Board of
- Radiologic Technologists, Board of
- Rangeland Resources Committee
- Real Estate Appraisers, Board of
- Realty Regulation, Board of
- Rehabilitation Council, State (SRC)
- Respiratory Care Practitioners, Board of
- Review, Board of
- Sanitarians, Board of
- Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists, Board of
- State Workforce Innovation Board (SWIB), Montana
- Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC)
- Telecommunications Access Services for Persons with Disabilities, Committee on
- Transportation Commission
- Trauma Care Committee
- Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Council (TBI)
- Underground Facility Protection Advisory Council
- Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board
- Veterans' Affairs, Board of
- Veterinary Medicine, Board of
- Water Well Contractors, Board of
- Western Interstate Energy Board (WIEB)
- Western Montana Conservation Commission (WMCC)
- Workers' Compensation Judge